What to Expect in Your FIRST 100 Days of Fitness… (Part 1)
For many of us, committing to a start of a new routine habit–such as starting a new fitness program–is one of the hardest parts. We contemplate for days, or even months about the time and financial commitment, and also many of the changes we would start implementing. These might include waking up earlier to get […]
The Value of Your CrossFit Membership
Yes, the cost of your membership at a CrossFit box will be higher than your average globo gym down the street. Depending on the area of your gym, monthly memberships can range anywhere from $150 to upwards of $200 per month. So let’s break down the value of that membership; what are you truly getting […]
Deload to Reload
While this isn’t always the case, every once in a while our athletes come to us saying that they are having nagging aches that won’t go away, feeling unmotivated to come to CrossFit class, or they are just plain tired all the time. We don’t blame them: they are in the gym 4-6x/week, living busy […]
Be Aware of the TOP 3 GOAL Killers
We all have our goals: whether they be fitness-related or our own personal goals, but how is it that there are so many obstacles that we face that keep us from achieving them? Maybe it’s hard for us to even get started. But why? Be aware. Here are the TOP 3 GOAL killers: Perfectionism. This […]
How We Begin: Set a Goal, Make a Decision
Earlier this week, we highlighted the article from the CrossFit Journal: “An Open Letter for those who need to Lose Weight” on our Facebook page. Today, we want to expand beyond that and share a little bit more about the types of goals that many of our individual members have–that often, started with weight loss, […]
To Eat or Not to Eat Before My Workout…
Typically, the answer is yes, however, there will be a variety of answers depending on each individual’s person’s preferences and daily schedule**. For those who are working out bright and early, or first thing in the morning, having a piece of fruit, toast or liquid shake consisting of carbohydrates + protein may be the best […]
I Completed the CrossFit Open and now…
As we wrap up the 5-week long, worldwide CrossFit Open, we have seen such amazing growth within individuals as well as our community as a whole. For many of our members, this was their first CrossFit Open, and for others, it was a time to retest the fitness that they had once proved the year […]
CrossFit Perks #3: The Unseen Progress
After some time, we start to notice some markers of progress within our CrossFit journey: a few inches trimmed from our waist, our strength numbers increasing or the scale number making its way down. However, there are a few other ways progress can make itself apparent, but often times only you would know. CrossFit Perks […]
I remember my first…
Many of us can recall our firsts in CrossFit: your first “Workout of the Day”, rowing experience, successful pull up, or double under–the list goes on. Part of the reason why CrossFit is so rewarding is because no matter where you start, there’s always something to work for. Sometimes when faced with the new challenge, […]
Take a moment to think of your favorite, most successful teams in any competitive field and the characteristics that made them great. They probably did a number of things well, such as sharing a common goal, strategically empowering individual team members, and clearly defining everyone’s role in pursuit of the primary objective. It’s no surprise […]