For whatever reason, the summer season fills our calendars, throws our routines in for a loop, and makes meal prepping and “sticking to the plan” that much harder. For some of us, our kids’ schedules change with the summers off, and for others, there’s more weekend get togethers, or planned vacations! It starts off with the Memorial Day barbecue to kickoff the summer, then next thing you know, 12 weeks later, you’re trying to wrap your head around how to regain control over the habits and routines you build all through the winter.

Here are some ways you can implement simple strategies to get back in charge and to continue progressing towards a fitter version of you, even through Labor Day, and the rest of the year:

Revisit and redefine your goals. Take a moment to sit down and really think about and write down what you want to achieve. Make them concrete, manageable and practical goals. Try to avoid vague goals like “I want to lose weight” or “I want to lift more.” Specific goals are more likely to be accomplished. “I want to reduce my body fat mass by at least 5 pounds within the next 8 weeks.”

Add some action items to attach to your goals. For example, if you are looking to lose xx pound of fat mass, you might have to set specific days and times for you to get groceries and prepare meals on your days off from work. If you are looking to string 50 double-unders in a row, maybe you will commit 10 minutes of practice per day, at least 3x/week. Goals with an action plan will make them easier to start.

Stop waiting for the perfect moment to get started. So it may have been a hectic few weeks or months of summer, but in reality, there will never be a “perfect” time to start building new habits, making change, or starting on a new goal. If you want to make it happen, just get started. You don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to excel right away, but get moving!

Talk to your coaches! More likely than not, your coaches are not just people who show you how to squat, and will push you through WODs. At CrossFit Des Plaines, you can count on your coaches to be people who care about your health, well-being, and your goals. Therefore, if you’re looking for some guidance in any specific field–weightlifting, increasing endurance, diet and nutrition, muscle soreness, mobility, or more–you can talk to one of your coaches about it. And if they don’t have an answer for you on the spot, they will likely guide you towards someone that can help you beyond the basics.

It’s time to overcome your summer slump, and get the wheels moving on gains train! Ready to get started? Click here and come meet us at CrossFit Des Plaines!

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