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“We can’t just be ‘motivated’ all the time.  We must learn self-discipline.”

We all go through our phases.  We start something new, and we’re fully committed.  A couple weeks pass, then we’re burnt out–we indulge, want to give up, or just avoid the reality of the situation.  We push ourselves to extremes and feel defeated when there is no result.

In the beginning, we get giddy in that first weigh-in or two when we see the scale tip down or up (depending on our goal) because our body is shocked with the new nutritional intake routine (which often leads to water weight loss or retention within the first few days).  We are stoked to see the neatly organized meal plan broken down into macros, our Tupperware filled with nutritious foods, and a colorful plate at dinner time; we’ve got our Blender Bottles filled with “the juice”.  To top it all off, we’re in the gym more than ever, since we’re so fired up (besides, workout days means more food for us and our bodies to fuel or muscles!)

Then, a couple weeks pass by, and things get stressful.  Work, kids, car problems, starting a new job, coming back from a vacation… then all of a sudden, we’re feeling like we’re in a rut.  Maybe the scale is stuck.  Maybe we’re having a hard time getting ourselves to the gym.  Maybe we are feeling like we are just not going anywhere, even though–you are still following your meal plan (or so it seems), you try to make it into your CrossFit class at least 3 times a week, and you feel like you’re just as stuck as the scale…

Trust the process.  There are several metrics for measuring progress towards your goal.  The scale is not the only way to determine your achievements (this is also why we take measurements and progress pictures).  Besides, consider some of your most recent successes since you’ve committed to making a change: you’re making conscious food choices for each meal, you’re committing to a regular exercise routine, maybe you’re eating more whole foods instead of processed ones… and even if your weight may be stagnant or even increasing, you may not realize that muscle is growing (or if you’re massing: how hard it is to actually gain lean muscle mass).  Accept that success or achievement is not a linear path.

These 8 weeks–or if you’re currently a Level 2 nutrition client: even these next couple of months–will not make a miraculous change; there is no “quick fix”.  Just like any aspect of life, success takes time, commitment, hard work and sometimes even setbacks and failures.  As coaches at CrossFit Des Plaines, we want to coach you towards a lifestyle, not just another quick-fix, fad-diet. Whether you’re looking to lose fat mass or gain muscle mass, it will take some time.  Remember that there are several metrics to measure your success, and the scale is not the only one.  Check in with your coaches and try to figure out how you can re-motivate yourself to reach your goal(s).

Don’t aim for extremes–keep your own goals in mind.  They will take time and commitment.  We are here for you, and in the meantime, keep up all the hard work you do!


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