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Those with a growth mindset are continuously believing and working towards growth; they believe they have the ability to take actions and make change. Those with a fixed mindset are stuck with certain beliefs that they do not have the ability to take actions towards change. While part of our health is beyond our control, such as the presence of genetics, we have several opportunities to take the reigns on our overall health.

Are you an athlete that has a growth mindset or a fixed mindset when it comes to your health and fitness? Let’s take a look at a handful of scenarios and see which mindset you might have.

Previewing a Workout
Growth: “I’m pretty sure that’ll be fun! I know I may have to scale back on toes-to-bar, but it’ll help my grip get stronger since it’s paired with power cleans.”

Fixed: “Ugh… I’m never going to get my toes to the bar. Those cleans are so heavy. I’m going to get last on the leaderboard again.”

Receiving Coaching on Movement
Growth: “Hey coach, I know you mentioned this last time, so can you take a look at my lift and see if my bar path is okay? I tend to push the bar away from me, but I’d really like to keep it closer.”

Fixed: “I know… I always do that, and I just can’t fix it! Why do I suck at all things with the snatch?”

During a Workout
Growth: Athlete’s thoughts- Wow, this is really tough right now, but it WILL get done. C’mon, push a little faster; you’ve still got more in you

Fixed: Athlete’s thoughts- I’m not strong enough to lift this weight right now, I’m so tired. My legs feel like led, and I just can’t move any faster.

Trying a New Nutrition Regimen
Growth: Typically excited to learn new methods and meal prepping skills. Asks questions and has a positive outlook on changing their body composition/achieving their goals. Recognizes progress comes slow and with consistent efforts.

Fixed: Nervous to try new methods or may emphasize “inabilities” for meal prepping. Hesitates to ask questions out of fear and may worry that they have “always been this way” and is unsure about making change towards their goals.

Developing New Habits
Growth: Open to trying a new habit right away, and can analyze its impact on the individual.

Fixed: Hesitant to trying a new habit, and is “fixed” in their old ways; may be afraid of change.

Yes, these are real scenarios, real words and real thoughts that we’ve observed.

Overall, it’s not bad to have a fixed mindset; it’s somewhat of a defense mechanism against failure. However, your mindset can always change, and a big part of that is just how you perceive certain situations, the positive or negative energy that is attached to those perceptions, and lastly, how we move on beyond that situation. If we find ourselves in a fixed mindset, try taking a step back to assess your language or your emotions regarding the situation. Then, you may consider how you can adapt more of a growth mindset; it will take you a long way, and you can achieve much more than you may have thought.

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