After some time, we start to notice some markers of progress within our CrossFit journey: a few inches trimmed from our waist, our strength numbers increasing or the scale number making its way down. However, there are a few other ways progress can make itself apparent, but often times only you would know. CrossFit Perks #3 is The Unseen Progress.

Improved Physiological Systems: Our bodies have many complicated systems that help us do what we need to do on a daily basis. These include your immune system, nervous, digestive, reproductive and more. As you continue to incorporate regular CrossFit training, you may notice a sharper focus throughout the day. You may also notice that you’re immunity to those colds you’ve been getting each month have gotten stronger. Regular exercise patterns certainly benefit the body in many ways that we can’t always see on the outside.

Mental Toughness: Even in some of the shorter, 8 minute workouts, we tend to spend a lot more time in our own minds! Conditioning ourselves through these high-intensity workouts allows us to improve mental toughness, and only you would know if you’re getting better at it. Read more about positive self-talk in this post.

Achieving the Unthinkable: You can probably hear yourself once saying it: “I can’t do ___!” or “I’ll never be able to ____.” When you step into the box, there is no limit as to what you can potentially achieve that day, or in the future. The coaches not only program for functional fitness through your CrossFit classes, but also offer several ways to improve on your personal fitness goals. For example, athletes are able to attend Skills and Drills seminars, or inquire about individualized accessory programming (example goal: “I want to be able to do a pull up!”). We also have an in-house nutrition coach that works with individuals on learning how to eat better to feel and perform better inside and outside of the gym! Lastly, the community feeds you with an energy that you wouldn’t get anywhere else. From the power of silence after a tough WOD as we all try to catch our breath, to the loud cheers for when we hit a personal best–it’s amazing what feats we’re able to overcome together.

“Things I hate! Working out in front of people, having people watch me, “performing” in public, competing/competition, being judged, physical pain ?, having pictures taken of me, having pictures of me posted on social media, and even worse… videos! Now combine ALL OF THOSE THINGS and that’s what I agreed to tonight! Just trying to push myself out of my comfort zone and stop judging myself so harshly! It’s a pretty nice feeling to be proud of my own accomplishments and to know that I took on something that I would’ve never done in the past and came out a better person for it…Go me! I already feel the thoughts creeping in…”you should’ve gone faster, you could’ve finished, etc…” But I’ll just look at this as a marker for next time because I only plan on improving!!!” -Athlete, Lauren G. (IG: @lboogieg19)

What kinds of “unseen progress” have you made? Share in the comments below!

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