It’s that time of year! Holiday parties, cookies and all the warming beverages. Here are 5 tips for Surviving the Holidays when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle:
1. Make your goal maintaining your weight. With all of the stress, festivities, and TREATS involved in the holidays there is no need to put extra pressure on yourself to lose weight. The holidays are a great time to focus on maintaining your weight during a time of year that many people are gaining weight.
2. Have a plan! At holiday get-togethers with family and/or friends go in with a plan of filling your plate with lots of veggies and lean protein. Then, from there, decide on 1-2 “extras” you will indulge on. Make these the special dishes that are only around during these occasions such as your mom’s famous pumpkin pie, or your brother’s amazing cheesy potatoes. Savor a small portion of each and enjoy your holiday. DON’T GUILT YOURSELF!! Having a plan (even a plan that includes some deviation from so-called healthy eating) allows you to enjoy without overdoing it and then falling into the “I messed up so I am just going to eat the entire pie” trap.
3. Drink LOTS of water!
4. Bring a dish or dessert that follows your healthy eating guidelines. It can ease anxiety about an event if you know that there will be something there that you can eat and feel good about. This could be as simple as a veggie or fruit tray, or a more involved dish such as a healthier dessert (searching paleo treats is a good place to start).
5. Regardless of what happens on the holidays….move on and get back on track!!