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This week’s blog will answer a few “Frequently Asked Questions” regarding “prescribed” weights and movements within a workout also known as “Rx”.

Q: What does “Rx” mean?
A: “Rx” is the “prescribed” weight or movement for the programmed workout. The “Rx” is meant to create a certain stimulus for training, whether that is to improve aerobic capacity, utilize gymnastics skills or movements, or increase strength and/or endurance.  It is meant to be used as a guide to determine what weights, reps, and movements should be scaled to for each athlete in order to achieve the intended stimulus of the workout.

Q: I could “Rx” it, but _____________. Should I still do it?
A: Most of the time, the answer from your coach will be: you may want to scale it back because… and your coach would probably continue on with something along the lines of: “you want to move through the workout, with good, consistent form. This will make for a much better workout than standing around, waiting to pick up a weight you may not be that confident about, or attempting a skill you may continue to fail or practice bad habits with.”

Q: How can I increase my likelihood of achieving the “Rx” standards with proficiency?
A: The first step is increasing consistency in your attendance to CrossFit class and being able to improve proficiency in areas such as strength, gymnastics and endurance. With that, confidence will come, the more practice and coaching you get! The next step would be to consider an accessory program such as an accessory gymnastics program to help you achieve your next gymnastics skill. Check out “Accessorize your WODs” on our blog to learn more about the accessory gymnastics program.

Q: That just seems like such a high weight; will I ever get to Rx?
A: Strength takes a long time to build. Remember that different athletes come in through the doors of our box with different experiences. Someone who has not lifted weights prior to CrossFit classes will have a lot of time to build strength, beginning with their core, then to more isolated movements. On the other hand, a former college athlete will come in with some previous training, and may have a different experience. There are many factors to increasing strength, but even athletes who are able to complete workouts as prescribed have many areas to improve in. That’s just the fun of CrossFit! If you are looking to increase strength, consider dialing in your nutrition to help aid that process. Many coaches at CFDP can tell you from experience, it’s not easy or there are no shortcuts to gaining strength–it takes time and a lot of work!

Overall, it’s important to remember your “why” when walking in through the doors of CFDP each day. It’s certainly not to “go Rx”, but rather, to improve your fitness through movement, skill, strength, learning about your nutrition, or simply just committing to attending classes consistently. “Going Rx” is not an “end goal”.



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