Last week, CrossFit Des Plaines kicked off the 6-week challenge program, “Just Move”, a class designed for CrossFit beginners and those who are simply looking to Just Move!

Challengers receive an initial orientation to get to know their coaches, take initial measurements, and complete a mini workout to get a feel for what CrossFit training is (and it really is accessible to all levels!) From there, classes are held three times a week, and each class is led by a coach, and assisted by a second in order to assure quality coaching for movement patterns for every individual. The instruction of each movement is taught with demonstration, practice, cueing, and repetition. Loading of weights or increasing of pacing will be applied in a “workout of the day” or “WOD” once the movement pattern has been taught and executed with proficiency. After, coaches bring the group together to “break” and end on a positive vibe before the start of the rest of their day or wrapping up their evening.

Aside from movement in the gym for a 1 hour class, it’s vital for our overall health and quality of life that we consider increasing movement throughout our day, especially if we lead a sedentary life or sit at a desk outside of our one hour CrossFit class. Here are other ways to simply “Just Move” when you’re not at the gym:

1. Take breaks every 45-60 minutes at work if possible. Stretch out, or take a couple laps around the office or climb the stairs for 10 minutes to increase blood circulation and keep you alert for the next block of time at work!

2. Accumulate static: squat, plank, or other types of holds throughout the day. This can be as simple as: “accumulate 3 minutes of a plank hold every work day this week.”

3. Accumulate static: squat, plank, or other types of holds throughout the day. This can be as simple as: “accumulate 3 minutes of a plank hold every work day this week.”

4. Take the meeting outside! If you can get out of the office for a walking meeting as the weather gets warmer, take it outside. You can even use a voice recorder on your phone for meeting minutes if necessary. Phone calls too!

5. Play. Find new hobbies and activities. Maybe it’s what your kid likes to play or do after school: join them! Maybe it’s a new fitness class your friend is teaching: try it! Find new ways to enjoy an active lifestyle outside of the traditional sense of “working out”.

6. Good ol’ fashion 10k step challenge. Whether you’re in a challenge with others, or just like to meet your own goals day to day, aiming for 10k steps all throughout your day—is a great goal to reach for.

What are some of your favorite ways to Just Move?

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