Earlier this week, we highlighted the article from the CrossFit Journal: “An Open Letter for those who need to Lose Weight” on our Facebook page. Today, we want to expand beyond that and share a little bit more about the types of goals that many of our individual members have–that often, started with weight loss, and have evolved to much more.

Some of our members come in through our doors looking for a place to get them started with losing some weight. Possibly it was a recommendation from their doctor, or they started to feel differently about the person they saw in the mirror. They chat with one of our coaches, come in for a trial class, as intimidating as it is, seem to make it post-workout with a smile on their face, and their breath slightly worn. They soon begin to realize that others are also in the same boat, no matter what weights they lifted or how fast they finished the workout–everyone DID that workout together. It’s more than just the weight loss; it’s about achievement. We work together here to achieve our goals–no matter what they might be: achieving a new pants size, achieving a new skill or movement, achieving greater happiness about ourselves.

We often get asked, “Do I have to be fit to be a part of this place that could help me lose weight?” Not at all! Members come from all levels and backgrounds. Once this becomes recognized, you start warming up to it all–the weird mobility stretches you’ve never done before, the friendly exchanges before class, the “3-2-1 GO”, and the high-fives after.

Other members come in through the doors with some previous fitness experience at the globo gym, or possibly, they have been an athlete at some point in their life, and they are intrigued by the structure and coach-guided aspect of the CrossFit classes. Like team sports, athletes come in each day to “practice, guided by your coach, and you leave it knowing that somehow they are better or fitter than the day before. Also, the “teammates” are the classmates in each class! Though each person’s workout is at their own intensity, everyone shares a common goal: self-improvement.

How we begin really starts within: What are you truly looking to change, and why? THEN: we make a decision to act on it. Start that first class. Meet with the nutrition coach to talk about your habits. Take that extra Personal Training session. Or simply just show up. Commitment to a process, with guidance, can take you a long way, once you simply begin.

We are currently Scheduling FREE TRIAL classes – Schedule yours here.

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$25 Per Class
$60 Per Week Pass


200 Howard Ave. Suite #230
Des Plaines, IL 60018

(224) 529-4262


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